anja cohen | foto's en teksten
anja cohen
brinkhorstweg 3
7311 GJ apeldoorn, NL
+31 (0)55 579 1762
+31 (0)6 2244 7362
info [at] anjacohen [dot] nl
anjacohen [dot] nl
studio visit by appointment
Het gezicht van Nederland, Apeldoorn, uitgeverij Uniepers, 1992 (book about the history of the city of Apeldoorn)
Salve viator - a book of a house and his occupier. Photo's, text, grafic design
booklet Lieve Karien
books, no unica
Klemmende laden (Jamming drawers), publisher Vliedorp, 2021
Vier uiterst beschaafde heren of de magie van het strijkkwartet, publisher Het Huis met de Drie Gedichten, 2024 (Four highly civilized gentlemen or the magic of the string quartet)
exhibition in gallery of Ateliers Apeldoorn:
- the 27th of March until the 14th of April, groupexhibition, theme 'music'
- the 21st of August until the 14th of September, exhibition together with Rob Weddepohl, Riks Vos, Hannie Kortland and Jan de Bruijne
Participant in the 'MailArt Project'
Kleintje Kunst – groepsexpo galerie van Stichting Ateliers Apeldoorn
Eindejaars-verkoop-expositie in de Teresiakerk in Apeldoorn met andere Apeldoornse kunstenaars
Expositie, met als thema ‘Licht’, in de leegstaande Teresiakerk in Apeldoorn, 19+20 en 26+27 augustus, met vijf andere Apeldoornse kunstenaars.
Beurs Bijzondere Boeken, een beurs met bijzondere, veelal handgemaakte en handmatig gedrukte boeken, dichtbundels en speciale kunstenaarsboeken. Deze 1e editie had twaalf deelnemers, een aantal van hen droeg voor uit eigen werk. Initiatief, organisatie, samen met Loes Huis in ’t Veld, en deelname.
CODA Museum Apeldoorn, 055: Apeldoorn Art, groepsexpo, dec. 2022 – 26 maart 2023
group exhibition Atelier Apeldoorn, Teresia-church, Apeldoorn, Oct. 2022
Participation, as 1 of the 17 visual artists, of May d'Arthonnay, art-weekend at Arthonnay, France.
participation Pop up gallery, Koppelkerk, Bredevoort
CODA Museum, Apeldoorn. Deelnemer aan expo 055: Apeldoorn Art 2020
Theater Orpheus, Apeldoorn. photos of musical instruments
Atelier Préporché, Préporché, France
Loolaan-gallery, with sculptor Riks Vos as the artists duo RA.
Apeldoorn Art, group exhibition at CODA Museum, Apeldoorn
Stichting Ateliers Apeldoorn – exhibition at the Loolaangallery, Apeldoorn of all the artists, joining the Open studio-route
'Closer to trees' II - exhibition with sculptor Riks Vos, completed with a haiku-workshop, by Martha Bijkerk, Atelier Komma.
BLIKveld 3d ‘Reis door de tijd’, a project of MIKC Delden – exhibition of 'luggage-pieces of art, designed for the luggage storage at Kunststation Delden
Art books fair at Leiden
CRIMP – group exhibition at CODA Museum Apeldoorn
Stichting Ateliers Apeldoorn – exhibition at the Loolaangallery, Apeldoorn of all the artists, joining the Open studio-route
CRIMP – group exhibition at Viborg Kunsthal, Denmark
'Closer to trees' - exhibition with sculptor Riks Vos, as the artists duo RA, at the Loolaan-gallery
Stichting Ateliers Apeldoorn – exhibition at the Loolaangallery, Apeldoorn of all the artists, joining the Open studio-route
CODA Museum Apeldoorn Art: exhibition of artists from Apeldoorn
The house concert in the Gele Huis 'Percussion and still more of it' and exhibition in house and studio
Mini Size Art Works, group exhibition at Kunststation Delden
international art project 'Locked' at Kunst Centret Silkeborg Bad, Denmark. Project of MIKC
international art project 'Locked' at Stiftung Künstlerdorf Schöppingen, Germany. Project of MIKC
group exhibition 'I will be a tree' at Ateliers Egerlaan, Apeldoorn
project 'The magic of the string quartet': exhibition of photos, recited text and performed music by string quartet Kluck-Slot
group exhibition at theatre Orpheus, Apeldoorn
international art project 'Locked' at Kunststation Delden. Project of MIKC
exhibition ‘De dingen hebben jou nodig / om gezien te kunnen worden' ( 'The things need you / so that they can be seen'). Exhibition in house and studio, with Willemieke van den Brink. Part of Apeldoornse Fotobiënnale 2014 (Photo Biennial of Apeldoorn).
group exhibition at gallery Phidias, Apeldoorn, with Rob Weddepohl, Gaby Bovelander, Milena Tlustá, Annelies vd Sluis, Saskia de Boer, Jenny Das
exhibition 'The water and the other side' in house and studio - photos and the Watertable - an ode to the water. Together with ceramic of Jan de Bruijne.
group exhibition at gallery Arte Temporale, Bussum
group exhibition at Atelier Mi, Bilthoven, in collaboration with XPOZZ; photos and books
group exhibition selected artists for the competition 'NJO-MuziekzomerPrent', ACEC-gebouw, Apeldoorn
gallery H10A, Apeldoorn - visiting curator and exhibitor. Exhibition with Paola de Bruijn and Coco Duivenvoorde
Apeldoornse Fotobiënnale (Photo Biennal of Apeldoorn) - outdoor exhibition 'Grote Apeldoorners'
‘on_ZICHT_BAAR’ ('in_VISI_BLE'), group exhibition at Kunstruimte RIM, Apeldoorn
gallery Ateliers Marialust at Apeldoorn - - photos and booklike objects
‘Het licht breekt als de maan de aarde kust’ at gallery Charlotte Lugt, Amsterdam. Photos, theme glass. Group exhibition with Caroline Koenders and Marjan Kolmeijer.
‘Omarmen’ ('Embrace') at gallery De Andere Kant, Zutphen. Photos of textile and texture. Exhibition with Auk Russchen en Brech
groupexhibition at gallery De Kunsten, Deventer
For some time now sculptor Riks Vos and I have been working together as the artists duo RA. The two of us have organized exhibitions for a couple of times. Theme: ‘closer to trees’. Images, photos and (to read and to listen to) poems that have to do with trees.
Another mutual project is ‘Letters without words’ – a correspondence in pictures.
training and work
At some time started at art academy Sint Joost, but finished higher education with the subjects recreation and planning at the Nederlands Wetenschappelijk Instituut voor Toerisme and Recreatie (Dutch Scientific Institute for Tourism, now called BUAS – Breda University of Applied Sciences).
Later I trained at the Schrijversvakschool (Writers Vocational School) in Amsterdam and did courses at the Fotovakschool (Photo Vocational School) and with master-bookbinder Henk Francino at Deventer. After having worked for a number of years as coordinator of the Vrijwilligerscentrale (Volunteer Centre) at Apeldoorn I started for myself as textwriter pr & information. In the meantime, photography and text moved from the margin to the centre.
My current art practice consists of photography, text and handbookbinding. As photographer I work autonomously, here I look for stillness and beauty. This work can also be considered to be a plea for attention to apparently simple things that are all around us: forms, structures, lighting. “You do not need the things / so that you can see / the things need you / so that they can be seen” K. Schippers wrote in Liefdesgedicht.
Gradually photo series grew; among others ‘My house’, ‘The water and the other side’, architecture, glass and ceramics, 'Circles' and 'Nearer to trees'. Books and book-like objects form part of my work.
Music is important, to be seen in photos of series of musical instruments, combined with texts I write about these instruments, and music returns in another way in organizing the Gele Huis-concerts (Yellow House-concerts)
I am a member of BBK, Beroepsvereniging van Beeldend Kunstenaars (Professional Association of Visual Artists)
previous and current activities
Co-organiser of carillon concerts, together with Apeldoorn's city carilloneur Henry Groen, jury member for the Louise de Brauw Prize, the annual award for a local volunteer project in Apeldoorn , volunteer work at Podium Gigant's film house, co-organiser of CODA café in CODA Museum, Apeldoorn, secretary of the Wilhelminaring Foundation, and secretary of the - now disbanded, as all the money has been allocated - Janice Walker Fund.
Currently: editor for the group Memorial Stones Apeldoorn
All photos and texts have been produced by Anja Cohen, unless otherwise stated.
All rights reserved. No photographic images and texts on this website may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means without permission in writing of anja cohen | foto's en teksten
concept – anja cohen | foto’s en teksten, met dank aan Marja van Putten, Arttrust, voor het meedenken over de indeling,
technische realisatie – Kevin Wijnbergen,
english translation - Henk Francino
ontwerp logo RA – Josse de Bruijne,